
Progastal is a natural product with antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti­inflammatory properties. The essential oils, especially the sage, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The antimicrobial effect is directed to 74 bacterial species of bacteria, including the species resistant to methicillin.

It can be used usually when: Ulcer in stomach or duodenum, acute and chronic gastroduodenitis, erosions of the esophagus, hepatobiliary painful conditions.



Progastal is a bio­complex composed of plant substances with antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti­inflammatory properties. The essential oils, especially the sage, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The antimicrobial effect is directed to 74 bacterial species of bacteria, including the species resistant to methicillin. The antiviral effect is directed to Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster viruses, as well as to most of the species of Candida yeast

The antiinflammatory effect of Progastal is due to the effect of sage and flavonoids (acacetin and quercetin) from the propolis, which together with vitamin C work to strengthen capillary walls, increase the ability of serum protein (especially gamma globulin) and to tie histamine, thereby eliminate the inflammatory effect. Paradent acts antioxidant (it spares the vitamin C from binding with chelating connections to metals), protects intercellular substance and protects adrenaline by inhibiting the enzyme 0­methyl transferase.

Flavonoid apigenin and luteolin diethyl ester reduce the secretion of gastric acid. Quercetin and kenferol have antispasmodic effect, reduce spasms of the smooth muscles and reduce pain. The anesthetic granulocytic­trophic effect leads to reduction of pain and regeneration of mucosa.

The essential oils in Progastal have antiseptic, sedative and anaesthetic properties, they also regulate the gasses in the stomach.

Progastal has a pleasant smell and quickly eliminates the unpleasant odor of the mouth..

Progastal does not disturb the natural flora and does not cause resistance in bacteria.

Progastal decreases the toxicity of antibiotics and prevents the settlement of candida albicans which requires their common use in severe painful conditions.

INDICATIONS: Ulcer in stomach or duodenum, acute and chronic gastroduodenitis, erosions of the esophagus, hepatobiliary painful conditions.

CONTRAINDICATIONS:Progastal should not be used by individuals sensitive to its components. Hypersensitive reactions are local and alleviate when treatment is discontinued.


Up to 30 drops of Progastal, 3­4 times per day before meal, during a period of 4­6 weeks. Irritative food, spices and liquor should be avoided throughout the period of treatment.


The product is a nutritional supplement. Not recommended for people sensitive to any of the ingredients. Supplements are not used as a substitute for a varied diet. The fabric leaves traces that are difficult to remove. It contains no artificial colors or preservatives.

  • 20% propolis extract in alcohol solution in 100 ml.
  • 0.1g Red Sage
  • 0.6g Peppermint leaf
  • 0.4g Aniseed
  • Diluted alcohol
Keep in dry and cool place up to 25 ° C, protected from daylight. Keep out of reach of children!
4Expire date
5 years
10ml drops in a glass bottle with dropper/carton box