
Proangy is a bio­complex composed of plant substances with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties


EFFECTS: Proangy is a bio­complex composed of plant substances with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.The antibacterial action of Proangi is directed towards 74 strains of 19 different pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacterial species (20 strains of staphylococcus (including the strains resistant to methicillin, ampicillin, gentamicin, lincomycin, cloxacyclin), 10strains of Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Proteus and Myc. Tuberculosis, brucellosis.

Proangy is twice as efficient in infections caused by Gram positive bacteria. The anti-inflammatory effect of Proangi is carried by the essential oils of Red Sage and flavonoids which strengthen the capillary wall and increase the binding ability of serum proteins(especially gamma globulin) with histamine, which consequently eliminates its inflammatory properties.Theflavonoids also have anti­oxidant properties; they preserve Vitamin C by preventing the binding of its helix to metals and they preserve the intercellular substance.

Proangy neutralizes the viruses Herpes simplex and A2 influenza as well as all pathogenic strains of Candida.

Proangy takes an active part in the immune response of the organism; it activates the complement and increases the phagocytic activity of the serum. By increasing the value of properdin in the serum, it activates the alternate pathway of the complement and at the same time increases the agglutinin count in the blood.

The essential oils have antiseptic and anti­inflammatory effects; they reduce the pain in swallowing and remove the unpleasant odour in the mouth.

PROBRONHI has a pleasant scent and taste, easily removes unpleasant odor from the mouth, does not disturb the natural flora and does not cause resistance in bacteria.

PROBRONHI decreases the toxicity of antibiotics, prevents the settlement of Candida albicans which requires their joint application under severe painful conditions .

Indications: acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, mouth ulcers , Herpes simplex infections, gripozni and convalescent conditions, inflammation of the gums , painful oral erosions and pain during teething .

Contraindications: Probronhi should not be used by persons hypersensitive to any ingredient . Hypersensitivity reaction is local and crosses with discontinuation of treatment .

DOSAGE AND USAGE: up to 30 drops, 3­4 times a day, 30 minutes before meal

NOTE: The product is a nutritional supplement. Not recommended for people sensitive to any of the ingredients.

Supplements are not used as a substitute for a varied diet. The fabric leaves traces that are difficult to remove. It contains no artificial colors or preservatives.

Warning: Proangy can stain cloth and leave marks which are difficult to remove

  • 20% propolis in alcohol solution
  • Red Sage 0.1g.
  • Peppermint leaf 0.6g.
  • Fennel fruit 0.4g.
  • Anise 0.1g.
  • Menthol 0.3g
3Expire date
5 years